Sports Coaching Abroad
There are few things more fun and fulfilling for a sports enthusiast than sharing their knowledge and expertise with a new generation and helping to promote the future of their favourite sport. We are firm believers that sport can be used as a tool for development, empowerment and teaching core life skills!
As a sports coach overseas you will have the unique opportunity to travel the world and spread the love of your favourite sport(s) to thousands of kids and young adults across Africa, Asia, North and South America. You do not need to be a qualified or experienced coach to share your sporting knowledge, all you need is bags of enthusiasm for your sport, and the desire to help young people reach their full potential.
Sports coaching does not only benefit the kids you share your skills with, it also plays a key role in your own personal development in sport. The characteristics and traits of a good sports coach can be developed over-time, even if this means stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there. On a sports coaching placement or project abroad your personal skill set will development dramatically, with increased confidence with public speaking and meeting new people, your teamwork skills with grown, and you will become more open minded to the cultures and customs of sport in other countries.

With a wide range of sports coaching opportunities in all your favourite sports; football, rugby, cricket, hockey, netball, basketball, tennis and much more; you are bound to find a coaching trip that suits your coaching style and travel plans. Ever considers coaching tennis in an academy in Buenos Aires, or coaching Rugby to the national rugby team on the Caribbean island of St Lucia. Pick up an instructors qualification on the slopes of Canada, and coach kids to ski around the world, or visit the captivating Indian sub-continent and share your cricketing skills with the kids from the deprived slum communities.
We have sports coaching opportunities in some of the world’s top travel destinations, so if you are a budding sports coach, or looking to start your career in sports coaching, then look no further than a sports coaching volunteer project or placement.

Higher Level Sports Coaching
We do not only accommodate those looking to start their coaching career, we also help those with valuable coaching experience and professional qualifications to find higher level coaching positions in schools and sports clubs around the world. From premier clubs to national teams, we have great connections into various national sports associations, giving you as a more established coach the amazing opportunity to progress your coaching talent and build up some vital overseas experience working with top athletes and professional coaches.